Friday 31 October 2014

Halloween Special

So with the last post also written earlier today, Malthusian Catastrophe and the potential doom if that was to occur is your Halloween special scare crow! Are we really facing such gloomy apocalyptic future? That is not known, however below are some fun facts about Halloween..
I would like to highlight the last fact in this file.. "According to climate scientists, humans are adding the equivalent of 400,000 atomic bombs' worth of energy into the Earth's atmosphere every single day." I did not find any other proof that this is correct and the website I got this image from does not provide information about the reference nor anymore explanation, however I thought this was interesting and very scary figures indeed. 

Our energy use is really something we have to question even starting with simple things like switching off the light... 

We are on the verge of Malthusian Catastrophe or Energy Disaster and world economics collapse.. this is Halloween..

Further here is an illustration of a Witch I did for Halloween this year which you can find here, from my illustration blog, if interested. 


  1. As the 20th and 21st centuries have followed the Malthusian trajectory of population growth, is there evidence to suggest we have reached the critical point where resource use is overtaken by demand? Or will Cornucopianism, with technological, agricultural, and medical advances, sustain an exponential population growth?

    And if you have come across Garrett Hardin, do you agree with his view on "living within limits" to escape the destructive beliefs of exponential-growth in a finite world?

    1. I think the questions you posed are at the very heart of the infinite debate between malthusians and boserupians! It is really a question of what point of view you would like to take - optimistic or pessimistic :)

    2. I always hope for an optimistic outcome, but plan for the pessimistic just in case ;) I guess that makes me quite cynical really. Which would you take?
