Sunday 28 December 2014

Dead Bats

Whilst I might be a fan of taxidermy, bats and dead things, it is safe to say that this is not everyone’s hobby or pretty site. Furthermore animal protectors, vegetarians and all the other groups of people may be truly disturbed by deaths of animals due to humans even if its bats. Wind power is not always good and when I wrote my previous post about it, I did not seem to come across any major disadvantages however I have just stumbled upon a very interesting article telling me that wind turbines cause increased bat fatalities especially during mating season. Thinking about it logically, I am sure they also cause bird fatalities however in this post I just want to quickly express my thoughts about bats and summarize that article.

The article states that bats are dying in unusual number at wind turbines especially during low-wind conditions in the late summer and autumn. Tree bats species are the most susceptible to increased mortality rates hence it is assumed that this occurrence is due to the fact that bats are mistaking wind turbines for trees due to their limited day time vision and turbines being tall structures that remind them of trees. The article used thermal surveillance cameras that were installed on wind turbines to try perform a control experiment and observe the bats’ behavior to try work out whether these fatalities are actually influenced by the turbines. The article found that the speed at which the blades on turbines rotated effected bat behavior (Cryan, 2014). As the new modern turbines are very quiet as well, it increases bat fatalities as the sounds of blades rotating does not scare the bats away from turbines but if anything, attracts them to the turbines as the sounds remind bats of leaves and branches of the tree moving due to the wind. Bats reproduce in trees hence the attraction of bats to turbines to begin with. Further more ecological research suggest that bats can sense and respond to air currents and thus it is easier for them to yet again mistake the blades for tree branches. Whilst the article is uncertain about specific causes of why bats are attracted to turbines, it does seem to imply that they are and bat mortality is increased.

So from this information we can conclude that wind power generation can actually have some negative effects for the ecology and our environment and it is not a completely environmentally friendly method of producing energy. Bat deaths make me sad as I find bats a very nice little creature and hence below is a picture of a screaming businessman- one of Francis Bacon’s portraits that describes well my feelings about increased bat mortality rates due to our desire to produce energy.

Figure 1.

Source: Tate. “Study for a Portrait” or “Businessman I” or “Man’s Head” by Francis Bacon.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Marred Christmas- Poking the Russian Bear

“You are Fourth on my List of Loveable Evil Dictators- after Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler- you are the greatest..”
So today might be Christmas for some but it is very not Christmassy for others. Just like me, sat alone, snowed in, in my house in Leicestershire on Christmas Day with no humans to appear in the foreseeable future in my life, I am making a doll installation; the world is struggling with oil prices whilst Europe and USA celebrate Christmas. For major oil producing countries such as the Middle East and Russia, who do not even celebrate Christmas, this American “super low price oil” Christmas joke is really not funny. During December oil prices have dropped so much that the whole world has become shaken up. During my almost 4 years of driving experience, I do not remember the petrol station ever telling me a price lower than 130 p per liter of fuel and yet here I am, filling up my tank at only 113 p per liter. Some experts believe that this is all America’s fault as they try to cripple Russia and control their pipelines to the EU via Ukraine and Iranian and Syrian (The Middle East) pipelines to the EU via Syria in order to gain global control of the essential resource and become the global leader. The resource, oil, which America does not have enough of, to be the king of the world, has to be controlled in alternative ways. However all the negativity to one side, some see the oil price drop as a positive thing where this is America’s attempt to help Russia out and help them get rid of the Putin dictator. Help, of course I say with a tint of irony and sarcasm, as whilst it may seem that USA is helping Russia get rid of another evil dictator, it also seems that by doing this they hope to achieve a country that is weaker and no longer competes with America for world domination. Putin has already shown himself to be a master player in the chess game of energy politics so the hope that lower oil prices will crush Putin has to be met with a degree of uncertainty. The article describes today oil price affairs and tries to suggest the real reasons for them.