So this
is my last post in my Minecraft themed energy blog. I have really enjoyed
writing this blog and I hope you have enjoyed reading it and have found it
informative. I am saying farewell to all my dear readers for now although I might
write more posts in my blog in the future especially regarding the current
economics crude oil prices situation. I will also update my blog if there are
any major changes in the energy industry that occur in the foreseeable future.
I have personally learned a lot about oil and energy and hope that you have all
found my blog informative too. One of the reasons I picked this topic is
because I am considering doing an MSc in geology or finance and energy thus now
I feel like I have something to talk about at my interview if I do apply and
actually know what I am talking about which is always a bonus. J I have also realized through writing this blog that
I definitely find the topic interesting and am now seriously looking at MSc
courses related to the energy industry.
quick summary of my blog. In my blog I have covered The Anthropocene and
climate change; global energy consumption; Malthusian theories of consumption;
global distribution of oil as well as its formation and recovery methods; peak
oil phenomenon and the debate of how much crude oil we have left; possible
undiscovered oil reserves of the Arctic; non-conventional oil and the
implication of its recovery; renewable energy; nuclear energy and disasters and
a little bit about the current oil economics global affairs. Thus I have
covered a whole scope of different areas including geography, economics,
geology, photography and politics.
slogan question at the top of my blog states: “Is it the apocalypse of the
Black Gold era and what are the alternative- from dusk till dawn or are we all
doomed?”. I think I have a little bit more knowledge to answer this question
after the creation of my blog. Although I discovered that the crude oil
situation on the planet is indeed a sorrow site, which is also quite scary,
there are a lot of other potential sources of energy. Although all these areas
such as yet undiscovered Arctic oil, non-conventional oil, renewable and
nuclear energy all require a great amount of research still to be done, I think
there is still time for the research to take place and humanity shall be ready for
change, the day crude oil runs out. Unlike the peak oil documentary, it is
clear that crude oil will not suddenly disappear so I think we don’t really
have anything to worry about right now however more research is certainly
needed. With those thoughts, I shall leave you all and I wish everyone an
amazing 2015!
you very much for reading,
Masters in Energy! Must be exciting!